Artist / Chui Pui Chee

1980 Born in Hong Kong
1999 Queen’s College
2003 B.A., Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2007 M.A., Department of Chinese Calligraphy, China Academy of Art
2010 PhD, Department of Chinese Calligraphy, China Academy of Art
Selected Awards
2020 Finalist of The 2020 Sovereign Asian Art Prize
2018 Finalist of The 2018 Sovereign Asian Art Prize
2016 Award for Young Artist (Visual Arts) of the Hong Kong Arts Development
Awards 2015
2015 Finalist of The 2015 Sovereign Asian Art Prize
2012 ‘Young Artist Award’, Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards 2012
2018 There's Snow Again V, Christie’s Hong Kong, First Open
2017 There's Snow Again VIII, Christie’s Hong Kong, Autumn Sale
2017 There's Snow Again VI, Christie’s Hong Kong, Spring Sale
2016 There's Snow Again IV, Christie’s Hong Kong, Autumn Sale
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2022 ‘Eighteen’,Touch Gallery, Hong Kong
2022 ‘Nine Abysses’,Touch Gallery, Hong Kong
2018 ‘Bedtime Stories’, Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
2015 ‘My Tiresome at the Bottom of the Valley’, Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
2013 ‘Chui Pui-chee – In Calligraphy In Me’, Grotto Fine Art, Hong Kong
2011 ‘Review and Prospects: Works of Chinese Calligraphy by Chui Pui-chee 2011’, Hong Kong
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 ‘Now Showing 2.0’, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong
2021 ‘Flower, Not’, iPreciation, Singapore
2021 ‘Now Showing’, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong
2020 ‘HAPPEN with HART Dawn Chorus | Chui Pui-chee x Batten and Kamp’,
HART Hall, H Queen’s, Hong Kong
2020 ‘The 2020 Sovereign Asian Art Prize: Shortlisted Finalists Exhibition’, K11
HACC, Hong Kong
2019 ‘Classics Remix: The Hong Kong Viewpoint’, Hong Kong Museum of Art
2019 ‘Together We March Forward: New Asia 70th Anniversary Art Exhibition’,
HART Hall, H Queen’s, Hong Kong
2018 ‘The 2018 Sovereign Asian Art Prize: Shortlisted Finalists Exhibition’, HART Hall, H Queen’s, Hong Kong
2017 'Ensuring the Best Influence for Her Son Mencius', Ink Asia 2017, Hong
2017 ‘Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction’, Hong Kong
2015 ‘Senses, University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
2015 ‘A Tale of Two Cities – Painting and Calligraphy by Shanghai and Hong
Kong Artists’, Hong Kong
2015 ‘Calm Non-action’, Hong Kong
2015 ‘INKcarnation: Literary Tattoos’, Hong Kong
2015 ‘The 2015 Sovereign Asian Art Prize: Shortlisted Finalists Exhibition’, Hong
2015 ‘Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction’, Hong Kong
2015 ‘Calligraphy and non-Calligraphy: 2015 Hangzhou International Modern
Calligraphy Exhibition’, Hangzhou, China
2014 ‘Elephant Parade Hong Kong’, Hong Kong
2014 ‘SCMP Charity Art Auction’, Hong Kong
2013 ‘International Modern Calligraphy Exhibition’, Hangzhou, China
2013 ‘Calligraphy Exhibition of Contemporary Calligraphers from Hong Kong’,
Hong Kong
2013 ‘Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction’, Hong Kong
2013 ‘Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards 2012’, Hong Kong Museum of Art
2012 ‘Artworks by 9 Hong Kong Alumni of China Academy of Art 2012’, Hong
2012 ‘With the boundary –Biennial Exhibition of Lanting Calligraphy Society’,
2012 ‘International Calligraphy Exhibition’, Shinjang
2012 ‘Calligraphy Exhibition of Art Museum of Zhang Hai’, Henan
2010 ‘Calligraphy Exhibition of Hong Kong Contemporary Calligraphers’, Hong
2010 ‘Calligraphy, non-Calligraphy - International Modern Calligraphy Exhibition’,
2010 ‘Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009’, Hong Kong
Museum of Art
2006 ‘Works of Chinese Calligraphy of Jiazi Society’, The Victoria and Albert
Museum, London
2006 ‘International Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition of Xiling Society of
Seal Arts’, Hangzhou
2005 ‘Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 2005’, Hong Kong Museum of Art
2003 ‘Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 2003’, Hong Kong Museum of Art